Book an appointment

Consultation dermatology:


Monday: 8.00h - 19.00h


Tuesday: 7.45h - 14.00h


Wednesday: 8.00h - 18.30h


Thursday: 7.45h - 12.30h


Friday: 8.00h - 18.00h


Consultation surgery:


Tuesday: 14.00h - 18.00h


Thursday: 13.30h - 18.00h


Permanent hair removal:

Thursday: 13.00h - 16.00h

Saturday: 8.00h - 12.00h

For URGENT CASES we'll try to help you as soon as possible, please contact the assistence center between 12 and 13h and between 18 and 20h on this number: 02 425 16 60.


To cancel an appointment, please use the number above or email to, 24h in advance.


This emailadress is only for cancelling an appointment or to inform about laboratory results.